Jude Chastain Pounds
The criteria? Simply this; nothing too common, nothing to crazy, something with meaning, and with limited monikers. Jude means "worshipper of God; or thanks, gratitude, praise" and we have been praying over him that he would be a worshiper of God in the sense of his name. If I could sum up my feelings about this child into one word, it would be gratitude, so the name is for me as well.
Chastain is a dear family name that has meaning to both of us. It's Kevin's mother's maiden name, who is from an historic Atlanta family. Many roads, parks and landmarks are named Chastain in the Atlanta area where we both grew up. Living in NJ now, it appealed to us to use this familiar name that was so present in our childhood, just to give him a little family perspective. We are also happy to honor Kevin's mother, Evelyn, since she passed on to him such a rich heritage of prayer and faithfulness.
One more week until my due date, the belly has grown since the last picture: