So, someone must have spiked our coffee with some sort of parent-love potion on Saturday morning, because somethng came over us that made us want to celebrate. What would Jude really enjoy doing as a live-for-the-moment-no-thought-of-tomorrow guy who won't have any memory of whatever it is afterwards (hedonistic little creature)? We quickly decided on the zoo and headed to Philadelphia for a day that turned out to be, as far as we could tell, the most fun day of Jude's little 1-year old life.
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" Mt 7:11
Clapping at the hippos

Big bleating Pippins

Now for the Other News. I'm sure most of you that read this blog know about how Jude came to us through in vitro fertilization (you can read about it here When we decided to go forward with IVF we felt very strongly about being responsible for whatever embryos that we created. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I will say, thank God that we have 3 additional beautiful embryos, and no MORE (or less). So in the spirit of populating the earth with Pounds', we are beginning round two. In a couple of weeks I will be starting the hormone treatments and we should know if we are pregnant by mid-August. We'll keep you posted!
Here are some other pictures of Jude from the last month:
In his birthday crown

the daily love fest with Pippin

talking to the grandparents on the calculator

Good buddy Ricky

what a great idea-- the zoo! the pics look like y'all had so much fun! happy birthday little jude-- we love you! -jen zila
I can tell he had lots of fun - and maybe you guys had just as much or more?!
I'm so glad for his life and I can't believe his first year has passed so quickly. You guys are such amazing parents and he's so lucky to have you.
And hooray for another little Kevin/Christin baby in the world!
He just couldn't be any cuter!!!! Looks like you all had a fun day. You are all in our prayers for a smooth move and transition to Burlington and as you attempt to add another little Pounds to your family.
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