Sunday, December 14, 2008

Baby on the Way...Really

Most people who read this blog have heard the news already, but I thought I would write an update to our Adoption post from several months ago. After completing the 3-month Fost/Adopt class, the Home Study, the mountain of paperwork, and the Home Inspection, a little surprise came our way in the form of a conversation with our fertility doctor. One round of IVF later and we find ourselves 14 weeks pregnant this week!

Kevin and I had a very definite infertility diagnosis about 8 months ago. We were extremely disappointed, of course, but not devastated. We had confidence that God had a child for us through some means and that it may not be the way we expected. Since we were already underway with the adoption when we found out, we just decided to put everything into that. We were not interested in the costly fertility treatments and we let our doctor know.
We had a follow up appointment with our doctor on the same day as our adoption home study, and we went preparing to close that door. Instead, he offered us an opportunity to participate in a research study that would give us a round of IVF at no cost to us. We were completely stunned and told him that we would talk about it and let him know. I think we both immediately wanted to jump on the opportunity, and that is what we did.

It's hard to describe our feelings on this and explain why we decided to go through with it when we were so sure that fertility treatment was not for us. Maybe having it handed to us on a silver platter was part of the appeal. We had already resigned ourselves to the fact that we would never experience childbirth, and we were sad. I think that if our diagnosis wasn't so certain, it may have been more of a choice for us, but as it was, we decided very quickly that we were being given a once in a lifetime opportunity.

So, no details about the treatment and procedures over the last 4 months, but I will say that I cherished every moment of it, oddly enough. We knew that whatever the outcome was, we would be OK and God would have his way. We consider this whole experience such a gratuitous gift from God, completely undeserved.

Here is an early ultrasound picture from 8 weeks. We are due mid-June. :)


Susan Wyatt said...

I can't believe it! Congatulations! I just read the Yearly News Letter and thought I can't believe they haven't put the news on the blog, then clicked on my Reader and here it was!!! I'm so excited for you guys, and even more excited that when Little Pounds gets here I'll get to meet them since we are so close. Love following your journey. God is so good!


Jen said...

i have no idea what i'm looking for in the ultrasound picture (arms, head, etc.), but i love it none-the-less! we're so excited for y'all!

amber said...

i think that this is one of the best baby pics ever!!!! and congrats just in case you didn't read that through the facebook message oh so many months ago. i guess this means i can tell ppl now?

Diane said...


Lori said...

Yea!!! I'm so excited that you did post it on the blog because I had no clue. Yea!!!! I'm so excited for you and so thankful for God's timing.

Oh and what yearly newsletter is Susan talking about. I want to get on the mailing list.

Tylers.Net said...

Congratulations!! We have been praying for you for months and checking your blog daily waiting for the big announcement! :) I am so glad things are going well and we can't wait to meet your new precious little miracle! What a great picture! We love you guys! Christi (and all the boys!)

Laura Camp said...

I still can't believe you have a baby growing inside you! Coolest thing ever.

Dave, Liz & Madee said...

I haven't read your blog in a while so I am a little behind. I am so happy for you both. You will be wonderful parents!! What a blessing:)